Previous Meetings
10th October 2013 – Collecting twitter data
This was a very rough tutorial that Nick put together, showing how to use the python twitter library to listen and store tweets as the arrive on the stream.
20th April 2013, 2-4pm – Short presentations
For details, see here:
Meeting 2013-04-19 – Short Presentations
15th March 2013, 2-3pm – Slime Mould Cities
We discussed the following paper:
Barker D, 2012, “Slime mold cities” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(2) 262 – 286
Notes, videos, etc. available on a separate page.
1st March 2013, 2-3pm – “ABM (HUUUH!): what is it goood for?”
A good wide-ranging discussion about the uses / problems of ABM. Here’s the Word doc we were bouncing off, though we wandered off-piste mainly: ABMwhatsItGoodFormar12013
22 February 2013, 2-3pm.
Discuss a paper: Volker Grimm et al. (2005). Pattern-Oriented Modeling of Agent-Based Complex Systems: Lessons from Ecology. Science 310, 987. DOI: 10.1126/science.1116681.
15th Feb 2012.
Infectious disease scratch tutorial [Andy E chair]. Link to tutorial forthcoming…
5th December 2012.
Discussion about mobile phone data. [Nick M chair]
21 Nov. 2012
Graphics card programming for Agent Based Models. [Nick M chair]
15 Nov. 2012
Paper reading: Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems. [Andy E chair]
7 Nov. 2012
Visualisation; flagging the Guardian Visualisation Masterclass. [Dan chair]
31 Sept. 2012
Agent modelling summer schools. [Nick A chair]
18 Oct. 2012
Paper reading: Grimm V, Berger U, DeAngelis DL, Polhill G, Giske J, Railsback SF. 2010. The ODD protocol: a review and first update. Ecological Modelling 221: 2760-2768. [Andy chair]
2 Aug. 2012
Processing tutorial (Beginners & Java Programmers). [Andy E chair]
19 July 2012
Paper reading: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data. [Nick M chair]
Hiatus in records
14 Aug. 2008: Paper reading.
7 Aug. 2008: Validating spatial agent-based simulation models.
30 July 2008: Techniques for parallelising models.
23 July 2008: Human Behavioural Models (short presentations about the more
well-known methods including BDI, PECS, rational choice / game theory, X-Machines, fuzzy decisions).
9 July 2008: Paper reading: Takács et al. (2008) Collective action and network change.
25 June 2008: EASEL discussion.
Smart regression [Linda]
Application development [Kirk]
Finite Element Modelling [Andy E]
Multi-level modelling [Kim and Adam]
Quantifying chaos [Andy E]
Wavelets [Alison and Andy]
Session on GAs: based around work by Alison and Bokhwan.
Agent-based Ecological Modelling [Hazel]
Grant applications for post-docs.
Extreme Event “Doomsday” Modelling
CAs and music
Developments in Environmental model interaction and linking
Predictive programming
25 Jan. 2007: Talk: Patrick Sim. The Craft of Software Development;
For other perspectives on the “craft” of software development, see also these sites:
The Implications of Software Craftsmanship; Great art and the craft of software development; and Pete McBreen’s homepage.
30 Nov. 2006: FreeCiv. [Andy T]
3 Nov. 2006: Introduction to Java on the Beowulf Cluster. [Andy E]
19 Oct. 2006: Code discussion: Bee society. [Andy E chair]
13 JulY 2006: Paper reading: Moss, S. (2000) Messy Systems – The Target for Multi Agent Based Simulation Lecture Notes In Computer Science 1979, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation-Revised and Additional Papers, 1-14.
22 June 2006: Organising the coming semester.
25 May 2006: HOT vs. COLD [Linda chair]
11 May 2006: Spatial Interaction Modelling: What software is there and how does it work? [Kirk chair]
16 Mar 2006: Discussion: Social Capital. [Andy E chair]
16 Feb 2006: Microsimulation discussion. [Alison chair]
2 Feb 2006: Paper reading: Useful techniques of validation for spatially explicit land-change models. [Andy E chair]
19 Jan 2006: Reboot meeting.
8 Dec 2005: Timetabling ideas meeting.
10 Nov 2005: Discussion meeting on next year.
2005: Group on hold while other research clusters starting.
9 Sept 2004: Talk: Andy E. What’s new in Java 1.5.
12 Aug 2004: Outreach. [Alison chair]
29 Jul 2004: Talk: Hazel and Andy E. What we did on our holidays (International Environmental Modelling and Software Society Conference), plus discussion of Keynote (pdf).
10 June 2004: Talk: Alison and Andy E. What we did on our holidays (Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems Conference).
20 May 2004: Masters talks: Richard Phillips. Trading Social Capital; James Stott. Parallel Java Agent Modelling.
13 May 2004: Talk: Jason Noble. Effects of the topology of social networks on information transmission.
8 Apr 2004: Fieldtrip: Trip around Informatics.
25 Mar. 2004: Introduction to MapObjects: AttackOfTheGiantHeads. [Andy E chair]
12 Mar. 2004: Code discussion: Modelling everything humans ever do. [Andy E chair]
5 Feb. 2004: Talk: Andrew Ross, Atmospheric Dynamics research, School of Environment, Leeds. Introduction to Parallel programming.
20 Nov. 2003: Talk: Ian Turton. <A href=””>What Ian found on his holidays in the South Pacific</a>.
6 Nov. 2003: Paper reading: Claudio Cioffi-Revilla. Invariance and universality in social agent-based simulations. PNAS 99/3, 7314-7316
29 Oct. 2003: Talk: Silvia De Monte, The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby. The emergence of collective behaviour in two models of population dynamics.
23 Oct. 2003: Paper reading: Peter K. Haff (2001) Waterbots. In: Harmon and Doe III (Eds), Landscape Erosion and Evolution Modelling. Kluwer.
9 Oct. 2003: Paper reading: Robert Axelrod and D. Scott Bennett. Choosing Sides: A Landscape Theory of Aggregation. In: Robert Axelrod (Ed) (2007) The Complexity of Cooperation. Princeton UP, 72-94.
25 Sept. 2003: Validating models.
28 Aug. 2003: Paper reading: Jim Doran. Simulating Collective Misbelief. JASSS, 1 (1).
14 Aug. 2003: Mid-summer break planning
17 – 18 July 2003: Simple Models of Complex Networks Research Cluster meeting.
29 May 2003: Joint meeting with the Earth and Environment Group.
22 May 2003: Talk in Informatics (Active Learning Lab, 9.30A, Level 9, EC Stoner Building): Vincent Jansen. Modelling disease outbreaks: measles and meningitis.
20 and 27 Mar. 2003: Reading: Alfredo G. Esposto. Introduction to Game Theory.
13 Feb. to 6 Mar. 2003: Coding: Developing Small World Agent System.
6 Feb. 2003: Paper reading: Duncan J Watts. Networks, Dynamics and the Small-World Phenomenon. AJV 105 (2), 493 – 527.
23 Jan. 2003: Paper reading: Joana Barros, Fabiano Sobreira City of Slums: Self-Organisation across Scales. CASA Working Paper Series 55.
16 Jan. 2003: Paper reading: Abbott, C. et al. Parallel Individual-Based Modeling of Everglades Deer Ecology. IEEE Computational Science and Engineering 97, 1070-9924.
5 Dec. 2002: Paper reading: Scott M. Duke-Slyvester and Louis J. Gross. Intergrating Spatial Data into an Agent-Based Modelling System: Ideas and Lessons from the Development of the Across-Trophic-Level System Simulation. In: H.R. Gilbert (Ed) Intergrating GIS Systems and Agent-Based Modelling Techniques.
28 Nov. 2002: Paper reading: Dimitris Ballas, Graham Clarke (2001) Modelling the Local Impacts of National Social Policies: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 19, 587-606.
21 Nov. 2002: Paper reading: Robert Axtell (2000) Effects of Interaction Topology and Activation Regime in Several Multi-agent Systems. In: Scott Moss and Paul Davidsson (Eds) Multi-agent-based Simulation. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 33-48.
14 Nov. 2002: Paper reading: Itzhak Benenson, Itzhak Omer, Erez Hatna (2001) Entity-based Modelling of Urban Residential Dynamics: The Case of Yaffo, Tel Aviv. Environmental and Planning B: Planning and Design 29, 491-512.
7 Nov. 2002: A look at “off-the-shelf” agent-based modelling packages and an introduction to aspect orientated programming.
31 Oct. 2002: Robert Axelrod, The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence and Global Polarization. In The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-based Models of Competition and Collaboration. Princeton University Press, New Jersey
24 Oct. 2002: Pilot meeting