Robin Lovelace’s Publications
This is a list of my publications to date:
Journal articles
- Lovelace, R., Ballas, D., & Watson, M. (in press, August 2013). A spatial microsimulation approach for the analysis of commuter patterns: from individual to regional levels. Journal of Transport Geography. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.07.008. Preprint available here
- Lovelace, R., & Ballas, D. (2013). “Truncate, replicate, sample”: A method for creating integer weights for spatial microsimulation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 41, 1–11. doi10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2013.03.004, arXiv and preprint. Also see Supplementary Information for using R for spatial microsimulation.
- Lovelace, R., & Temple, L. (2012). Carbon Capture and Storage: bury the myth and focus on alternatives. Metis, 3. Full article available here
- Lovelace, R., Beck, S. B. M., Watson, M., & Wild, A. (2011). Assessing the energy implications of replacing car trips with bicycle trips in Sheffield, UK. Energy Policy, 39(4), 2075-2087. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.01.051 preprint available online
- Lovelace, R. (2008). Energy: efficiency gains alone won’t reduce emissions. Nature, 455(7212), 460. Nature Publishing Group. doi:10.1038/455461a, also available here
Printed magazine articles
- On Yer Bike Now Then, December 2012. Sheffield.
- Bike trailers. Now Then, September 2011. Sheffield.
- The Ecotechnic Future. Now Then, March 2011. Sheffield. Html or pdf
- Fear. Now Then, November 2010, p. 22-23. Sheffield. Html or pdf
- Energy futures. Now Then, June 2010, p. 16-17. Sheffield. pdf or Html
- Lovelace, R. (2012, February). The mystery of Sheffield’s steepest hill. Now Then. Pdf Html
Online magazines and blogs
- Lovelace, R. and Temple, L. (2012). Carbon capture and storage: time to bury the myth? Responding to Climate Change, 15 October.
- Lovelace, R. (2011). Assessing the energy implication of political intervention. The Oil Drum.
- Lovelace, R. (2010). Cycle-touring: a vision of post-peak holidays? The Oil Drum: Campfire.
- Lovelace, R. (2010). How to Set Up and Run a Bicycle Repair Company. The Oil Drum: Campfire.
User guides and manuals
- Lovelace, R. (2013). Supplementary information: a user manual for the integerisation of IPF weights using R, 1–18. Available online on arXiv or from the University of Leeds
- Acosta, L. and Sergio, A. (2012) gvSIG Batoví: an educational resource for Plan Ceibal. Guide to open source GIS software (translator from Spanish to English). Available here, on the E-learning of the Open Geospatial comuunity (ELOGeo) website.